explainer-video admin June 28, 2022

Animated Explainer
Video Company

Creative, Awesome & Engagement Centric Explainer Video Production

We are an explainer video production company that has served businesses for over 3+ years with 400+ projects completed in 6 countries. By working with us, you’ll get the complete deal as we are not just animators, we are video marketing specialists.

While other explainer video production companies will just focus on creating good explainer videos for your brand, we do more than that.

Our explainer video production team doesn’t sacrifice creativity for strategy, as we take a balanced approach to ensure that you meet your business goals through the creation of an effective explainer video.

By partnering with us as your explainer video company, you will get complete assistance and support for your video marketing needs as we can churn out all types of videos to suit all types of requirements just about perfectly.

Whether you need an explainer video for your landing page or require one to promote your brand on Instagram, we will work with you from start to finish by leveraging our custom explainer video production strategy that’s geared to bring in lasting gains.

Explainer Video Production That Suits All Digital Conversion Funnels

In today’s marketing landscape, explainer videos are much more than just landing page videos. Yes, their purpose of communicating how exactly does your brand, service or product solves a certain issue the user is facing in a visually engaging manner remains the same, their applicability and reach have diversified over the years.

Now, explainer video production is being used to engage audiences on multiple digital platforms ranging from websites to social media ads. And brands that are not leveraging the reach of explainer videos, are losing out big time.

This is where we can help. As a modern age explainer video production company, we can help you create the right kind of explainer videos to suit different kinds of marketing goals.

If you too want to leverage the awesomeness we can create for you, then let us know about the purpose you have in mind for your explainer video. We’ll be more than happy to help you out.

Simplify Complex Concepts Through A 2D Explainer Video

Have you ever come across 2D animated videos that explain confusing concepts involving things like corporate jargon with simplicity and in a few minutes? They’re catchy and they help you understand the crux of the subject. That’s what an explainer video is all about.

A 2D explainer video is all about telling brand stories. The basic idea behind them is to get the message out about your brand, services, or products. It takes a complex idea and delivers it to your target audience in a fun and engaging way that’s easy to digest. 2D Explainer videos are more than just about their content. It’s important to make them memorable. 2D Explainer videos deliver a visual experience that sticks in a viewer’s memory. This helps in pushing your story out in the real world for better awareness and better returns.

What Makes 2D Explainer Videos Work?

Animated Explainer Videos package complex business concepts in a creative manner for easier consumption. They are adept at providing value to your customers, driving up awareness and traffic.

Explainer Videos act as a catalyst to guide consumers towards the next step in their consumer journey. This clear understanding of the business or products helps them make decision easily.

Is your business looking to provide a solution to your target market’s problems? A 2D explainer video can be your partner in showcasing why your solution is the best. And that’s why animated explainer videos are being used all across the industry to drum up business revenue.

What Makes Our Explainer Videos Comet?

The first step is pretty simple; let us know what you want. The more details you can provide about
your video concept, the better.

Our clients give us a concept brief that guides our creative team to create a compelling script to drive home your 2D animation video’s message.

Storyboarding helps our 2D video animators design the structure, flow, and sequence of your video, with the help of visual elements that we create.

Animation involves the binding together of different visual elements, adding motion graphics to them, and applying the voice over, to bring your video to life.

Final touch ups and quality assurances are now in order. One our team has completed the check, your video is ready to make a comet for your brand.

Explainer Videos That Comet