3D Animation admin June 28, 2022

3D Animation Services

We move the art and imagination to escalate the engagement

3D Animation – Vital For Business

We are an animation company that has created 3D animation for all sorts of businesses. We welcome entrepreneurs to tycoons and help them imprint their mark in the business. 3D animation makes the art move in a three-dimensional space and gives a mesmerizing look to the screen. And our creativity brings the 3D animated visuals to life.

Want To Learn More About Our 3D Animation Service? Reach Out!

And witness a blend of logic and creativity

Innovate Your Business’s Look With Our 3D Animation

Our 3D animation services bring revolutionary change to your business look and make it more attractive to your customers. You can promote your product using 3D product animation that helps you demonstrate the features, and 3D animation escalates the revenue.

The professional and skilled animators craft custom 3D animation to create something different every time with incomparable animation quality. Our 3D animation project drags the audience’s attention toward your product and business.

We conceptualize the business idea into 3D animation video content and let your video talk to your audience. We also design the 3D animated logo with your company’s story behind the animation and illustrate your mission and vision to the viewers.

3D Animated Videos Beneficial For Your Business

Comet Studio emphasizes in demonstration of the business, product, or service processes through 3D animated videos. 3D animation demonstrates the method and work process in detail and makes viewers understand complex theories in understandable manners.

The team illustrates the product’s structural model using architectural 3D animation, giving a 360-degree view of every tiny detail. We draft 3D animation design and implement it on 3D object modeling, and to elaborate your product or service to the viewers, 3D characters animations are used.

Whatever you do or your industry is, we are ready to serve you with our excellence and expertise. Comet Studio is a 3D animation production company that facilitates your business with a 3D explainer video, 3D product video, 3D marketing video, and 3D reconstruction video.

The professional 3D animation creator at Comet Studio creates industrial 3D animation for construction companies, you can add these videos to your business presentation for better client understanding. 3D visualization takes your marketing campaign on the road to success.

How We Prepare Your 3D Animation Project

At Comet Studio, experienced and talented animators are always geared toward creating something eye-catching and appealing.

  • Our expert and imaginative artist starts a 3D animation project with a storyboard and incorporates your video goal and marketing strategy in the riveting script.
  • Characters are designed and animated through 3D modeling.
  • Color and texture are added to the sense and 3D models.
  • Background lighting and music are showcased with a modeling screen setting.
  • VFX is applied to screen for the addition of other objects to the modeling set.
  • All the elements then emulsify into one fantastic piece of art.

You can discuss your marketing idea with our sales representatives and get quotes on our 3D animation services. Our representatives are 24/7 available to respond to your query requests.

The State Of The Art Technologies We Use

Looking For A 2D Animation Company? Get In Touch Today

Looking For A 2D Animation Company?
Get In Touch Today

Our Approach Towards 2D Animation Videos

Our 2D animation services are outsourced while keeping the approach transparent. We want you to know your video’s current progress, the key quality metrics that we’re following, and how long it will take for the finalized polished product to be delivered. We also believe in understanding your 2D animation project continually by keeping constant communicating with you. Our planning and strategies are based on understanding your brand, audience, and requirements.

Moreover, as the pioneer animation service provider, Comet Studio considers customer feedback vital in improving our organization’s integral processes and quality. So, when you hire us as your 2D animation company, you’ll observe that we care about your opinion, which guarantees your satisfaction in the long term.

Explainer Videos That Comet

Frequently Asked Questions

You asked us, and we Answered

Basic 3D Animation
The basic 3D animation plan includes
– 30 seconds duration video with 1080p HD quality.
– Revision and edits to drafts.
– Professionally written and reviewed script.
– Detailed storyboard.
– Complete 3D modeling
– Voice-over according to gender and accent.
– Editing and finishing.
Startup 3D Animation
– 60 seconds duration video with 1080p HD quality
– Revision and edits to drafts.
– Professionally written and reviewed script.
– Detailed storyboard.
– Complete 3D modeling
– Voice-over according to gender and accent.
– Customization of project
– The extra addition of characters and objects (max 2)
– Animated visualization.
– Editing and finishing.
Advance 3D Animation
– 120 seconds duration video with 1080p HD quality
– Revision and edits to drafts.
– Professionally written and reviewed script.
– Detailed storyboard.
– Complete 3D modeling
– Voice-over according to gender and accent.
– Customization of project
– The extra addition of characters and objects (max 4)
– Animated visualization.
– Composition with special VFX
– 120 seconds duration video with 1080p HD quality
– Addition of music and foley.
– Editing and finishing

The cost depends upon the requirements of the project and Comet Studio estimate the 3D animation project cost from $9000 to $50000, but for an accurate price quotation, you can contact our sale representatives.